Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cleaning of La Tortuga Island

La tortuga was affected by the human hand. Through out the years the island has been victim of reckless tourism; boats such has yachts and motorboats, threw a bunch of solid wastes to island creating a big pile of junk.

 Besides this boats that came to the island, anchor to close to the coast generating a stir in the maritime soil deteriorating the island's ecosystem. Also the lack of conscience of the residents of the lands close to the island contribute directly to the pollution of the island, by throwing trash in its own coasts this trash will be brought to the island by the water current.

 During 3 cleaning journeys made in this beautiful island the volunteers recollected 27 tones of solid wastes that were lodge in the coasts of Punta Delgada.

 The recovery of La Tortuga had been made thanks to efforts of more than 600 of volunteers working together with the Venezuelan Tourism ministry and the Venezuelan Youth ministry.

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